Saturday, June 5, 2010


I asked Dave to bring home a package of flour tortillas a few days ago. Expecting him to bring the normal sized package of tortillas--something like 10 or 12-- imagine my surprise when he brought home the giant Costco-sized package--dozens of tortillas.

Trying to use up the tortillas, I've been on a quesadilla making binge. I've concocted bunches of different fillings--scrambled eggs, scrambled tofu, beans, rice, veggies, cheeses, etc. So far, my very favorite fillings are leftover baked potatoes with some sharp cheddar cheese, and grilled peppers, onions and zucchini with smoked cheddar. So yummy!


  1. Thank goodness so many wonderful and varied filling can be put in them!

  2. Very fun! Potatoes and cheese sounds like a great filling.
