Sunday, April 4, 2010

My Own Sourdough Starter

I have wanted to try making sourdough bread for ages, but I didn't have any starter. Several weeks ago, I ordered a dried French starter online. Once I received it, I followed the instructions of re-hydrating and feeding it, and kept at it for about three weeks. I was feeling disappointed since the starter didn't seem to be doing anything, though frankly I wasn't sure what it was supposed to be doing. Finally, after a month it started to look bubbly and alive, and I used some of it to make Peter Reinhart's baguettes. I was not very confident that the starter would work, but surprisingly it did and the bread was fantastic--even though I completely goofed the the recipe.

I have been refreshing my starter every 5 days, and so far it is still looking good. I have to pick out some sourdough recipes to use it in.


  1. I made my own sourdough starter using a recipe that my aunt sent me. After feeding it and cultivating it for over a week, I attempted some sour dough bread and sour dough rolls. They were not very good. I have decided that I am incapable of making good bread. I give up.

  2. This is wonderful! What a great result!

  3. Phil loves sourdough bread. Looks delicious!

  4. Cool! The starter looks lively and the bread looks great!

  5. Awesome-looking bread, Michele. I am about to dive into the world of bread starters!
